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UNMAZE.ME: Make Summers Count! Volunteering in SW Florida

By October 9, 2017March 28th, 2019No Comments2 min read

Summer is right around the corner, and a a lot of students and parents are wondering what to do to make it count! While sleeping in and playing video games sounds like an ideal summer vacation (I have even heard parents say “They’ve worked hard during the school year, they should relax!”), there are other ways to build up your college resume to gain admissions and scholarships!

Summer is an excellent opportunity for students to use their time wisely to become a “T” student (see what a “T” student is here), whether that is volunteering, utilizing summer university program, or taking online courses. Often times, I find parents don’t know where to start with the process so I have searched for some opportunities I know of throughout the state of Florida and in our own backyard of SW Florida. This by no means is an exhaustive list, but will definitely get parents thinking about areas a student can utilize during the summer. There are many more out there, and I highly suggest you do some Google searches to find them! Sometimes all it takes is a good search and a few phone calls to find an amazing experience. I am continually impressed with what our students find in the local community, and I strongly encourage these opportunities for personal and academic growth.