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UNMAZE.ME: AP, IB, Dual-Enrollment- Determining What is Best for You!

By October 11, 2017No Comments1 min read

High school students have great opportunities to obtain college credits, often for free, even before graduating! Earning college credit in high school is beneficial for multiple reasons.

1) Cost Savings: School districts often pick up the tab for tuition and books. Sometimes there are some small fees, but at a fraction of the cost what a student would pay after graduating high school, including room and board, tuition, fees, books, and other expenses.

2)  Time Savings: In Florida, it was found that less than 67 percent of Florida college students graduate in six years, according to the Florida Board of Governor’s Accountability Rate. While not widely discussed, college is taking longer to get through as students change their degrees, have trouble meeting prerequisites, or enter into programs that are longer. Having a student be able to focus on the generalized core courses or electives to determine their major, these credits can save students a substantial amount of time and stress.