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SWFL Equitable Jobs Pipeline Update: August 2024

By August 1, 2024August 12th, 2024No Comments7 min read

August 2024

The SWFL Equitable Jobs Pipeline team continues to work daily to upskill the regional workforce and stimulate economic development, which will continue to build and expand a strong economic future for Florida.

SWFL Equitable Jobs Pipeline Update

FleetForce Truck Driver Training Partners with FutureMakers Coalition to Strengthen CDL Training and Support Job Placement
Terri Clark,
CDL Consortium State Director
FleetForce Academic Partnerships

FleetForce Truck Driver Training is thrilled to partner with FutureMakers Coalition providing CDL training for individuals within the five-county service region. Since this workforce training partnership began in September 2023, more than fifty individuals have received their commercial driver license (CDL) as part of this collective impact initiative working together to strengthen the logistics and transportation pipeline. This workforce training partnership is crucial as Southwest Florida continues to see a growing list of CDL job opportunities, many of which are based within local municipalities. As our state along with our local communities continue to grow, we must keep up with commercial driver demand while also prioritizing the interests of the hardworking CDL drivers we depend on daily. The demand for commercial drivers is forecasted to increase by twelve percent over the next five years. Currently, there are over 11,000 CDL vacant jobs throughout Florida. Providing CDL training opportunities to individuals who are looking to re-career is essential to keep up with the current and projected labor market.

FleetForce starts new CDL training cohorts weekly in Fort Myers. The partnership with FutureMakers not only provides a scholarship opportunity for aspiring drivers, but equally as important, career navigating and job placement assistance. FleetForce works closely with FutureMakers to ensure all individuals have training opportunities close to home, while also helping navigate any barriers that would hinder them from completing their training. We understands the importance of addressing the workforce training needs within our local community and commend FutureMakers Coalition for leading this effort in southwest Florida. By working together, we will strengthen our workforce and provide lifechanging opportunities for aspiring CDL drivers.

Student Success Story

FutureMakers Coalition: Persistence and Completion Team’s Commitment to Adult Education and Employment Success

The FutureMakers Coalition Persistence and Completion team is a dynamic network of organizations committed to addressing the barriers that adults face in completing post-secondary credentials, obtaining quality jobs, and retaining employment. Since its inception in 2017, the team has brought together education partners, employers, and non-profit organizations to tackle these challenges head-on.

Collaborative Efforts and Achievements

Over the years, the Persistence and Completion team has made significant strides in transforming local post-secondary institutions to better support adults returning to education after dropping out. These changes have aligned internal processes and policies with the unique needs of adult learners, ensuring they can continue their education while managing familial responsibilities.

The team’s collaborative efforts have also closed hiring gaps in the healthcare sector and fostered a spirit of cooperation among employers across five counties. By focusing on solutions rather than competition, the team has successfully secured funding to support various initiatives aimed at improving adult education and employment outcomes.

Key Funding and Initiatives

FutureMakers’ Persistence and Completion team has received substantial support from Bank of America to invest in the Navigator program. This program plays a crucial role in helping adults connect with resources to enter school, complete their credentials, and secure good jobs. Additionally, funding from the Good Jobs Challenge, in partnership with the Regional Economic Research Institute at FGCU, has enabled the expansion of the team’s impactful work.

Ongoing Collaboration

The Persistence and Completion team meets quarterly, starting with an in-person meeting at the beginning of each year, followed by virtual meetings throughout the year. These meetings allow members to continue their important conversations and work towards their shared goals.

Through dedication and collaboration, the FutureMakers Coalition Persistence and Completion team is making a significant difference in the lives of adults striving for educational and employment success. Click here to register to join us at our next virtual meeting on August 12th at 3:30pm.

EDA Good Jobs Challenge 2024 Quarter 1 Data Update

Partnership for Sustainability RFP Round 3 Opens August 15th!

The Southwest Florida Equitable Jobs Pipeline is actively seeking employer partners in Southwest Florida who are enthusiastic about sustaining workforce development initiatives in four key sectors for both new and existing employees: PK-12 Education, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Healthcare through participation in the Equitable Jobs Pipeline. Ideally, proposals will include a well-defined strategy for the employer to gradually assume the cost of training, with the goal of achieving sustainability by December 2025.

Total amount to be awarded: $3,800,000.00

Proposals will be accepted between January 15, 2024 through October 31st 2024, with awards going out in April, July and December.

If you need help, we will work with you to determine the best education partner and a plan to assume the cost of training over time.

Partnerships for Sustainability RFP

Funded Programs

Click on the flyer to open the full list of training opportunities powered by the Equitable Jobs Pipeline project.

Should you require guidance in connecting with any of these programs, don’t hesitate to reach out to a FutureMakers Navigator to connect you by clicking here: FutureMakers Coalition Navigators

*List of programs will be updated as additional training programs finalize funding.

Sectoral partner convenings will be held during the monthly system alignment team meetings. Sector specific teams will include employers, education partners and non-profit organizations with the intent to address the workforce and education needs in our region. The links to sign up are below and/or can be found on our website:

Get Connected!

Our Navigators want to connect with you! The FutureMakers Coalition Navigators are ready to work with adults wanting to get a credential to upskill or start their career. These free services allows Navigators to walk along side you to help you be successful! Check out the map below to see who we are working with in the region.

Upcoming Events

August 1st-Healthcare System Alignment Team
Employer partners, postsecondary institutions and community partners are invited to join the conversation to address the workforce needs of the healthcare system.


August 12th- Persistence and Completion Regional Action Team
This is the team focused on helping all students persist through their training programs, completing and connecting to quality jobs.


September 5th-Healthcare System Alignment Team
Employer partners, postsecondary institutions and community partners are invited to join the conversation to address the workforce needs of the healthcare system.


September 24th- Workforce with Unique Abilities Team
This team brings together partners to bring awareness to employers about the benefits of hiring working aged adults with unique abilities.