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SWFL Equitable Jobs Pipeline Update: April 2024

By April 24, 2024May 3rd, 2024No Comments5 min read

April 2024

The SWFL Equitable Jobs Pipeline team continues to work daily to upskill the regional workforce and stimulate economic development, which will continue to build and expand a strong economic future for Florida.

Partnership for Sustainability RFP Round 2 NOW OPEN!

The Southwest Florida Equitable Jobs Pipeline is actively seeking employer partners in Southwest Florida who are enthusiastic about sustaining workforce development initiatives in four key sectors for both new and existing employees: PK-12 Education, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Healthcare through participation in the Equitable Jobs Pipeline. Ideally, proposals will include a well-defined strategy for the employer to gradually assume the cost of training, with the goal of achieving sustainability by December 2025.

Total amount to be awarded: $3,800,000.00

Proposals will be accepted between January 15, 2024 through October 31st 2024, with awards going out in April, July and December.

If you need help, we will work with you to determine the best education partner and a plan to assume the cost of training over time.

Employers will:

  • Identify programs needed to upskill current employees and/or new hires.
  • Commit to hiring or accelerate current employees on career pathway after training.
  • Commit to sustaining training by gradually assuming training costs for sustainability.

Training Providers will:

  • Work with employers to create or adapt existing programs to meet employers needs.
  • Offer training in a format conducive to participants working while attending training.
  • Work with employers to help identify ways to make training sustainable after grant funding is over.

Steps to Apply:

  • Click on First Steps in the menu to review initial proposal components to.
  • If you’d like assistance connecting with a training provider, please click on Initial Proposal on the left hand side.
  • If you do not need assistance with the pairing up with a training partner, please select proposal documents on the left.

Key Components:

  • Funds can only be used to skill, re-skill and or up-skill adult aged employees and/or job seekers.
  • Funds must be spent by May 31,2025.
  • Lead entity will need to commit to reporting data on a quarterly basis on participants receiving funds through 6 months post graduation.
  • Employer detailed letter of support and/or commitment to hire must be uploaded with proposal.
  • Funds cannot be used for continuing education, participants must upskill along the career pathway and/or get a new position.

The portal opened on April 1st and will close on May 31st at 5pm.

*Initial proposals will not be scored, only proposals in the portal will be scored and eligible for funding.

Partnerships for Sustainability RFP

Funded Programs

Click on the flyer to open the full list of training opportunities powered by the Equitable Jobs Pipeline project.

Should you require guidance in connecting with any of these programs, don’t hesitate to reach out to a FutureMakers Navigator to connect you by clicking here: FutureMakers Coalition Navigators

*List of programs will be updated as additional training programs finalize funding.

Sectoral partner convenings will be held during the monthly system alignment team meetings. Sector specific teams will include employers, education partners and non-profit organizations with the intent to address the workforce and education needs in our region. The links to sign up are below and/or can be found on our website:

Get Connected!

Our Navigators want to connect with you! The FutureMakers Coalition Navigators are ready to work with adults wanting to get a credential to upskill or start their career. These free services allows Navigators to walk along side you to help you be successful! Check out the map below to see who we are working with in the region.

Upcoming Events

April 16th-Aspiration and Preparation Regional Action Team
This exciting online event brings together individuals passionate about making real change in pre-k through 12 education in our Southwest Florida community.

April 17th-Resilience and Diversification Action Team
This is the team that is focused on ensuring our workforce and economy are resilient by cultivating a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem.

April 23rd-Education Alignment Team
Employer partners, postsecondary institutions and community partners are invited to join the conversation to address the workforce needs of the Pk-12 education system.

April 25th-Manufacturing and Logistics Alignment Team
This team brings together employer partners, postsecondary institutions, and non-profit organizations to work on manufacturing and logistics workforce.

May 2nd-Healthcare System Alignment Team
Employer partners, postsecondary institutions and community partners are invited to join the conversation to address the workforce needs of the healthcare system.

May 13th-Persistence and Completion Action Team
This is the team focused on helping all students persist through their training programs, completing and connecting to quality jobs.