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Newsletter: February 2023

By March 6, 2023March 8th, 2023No Comments3 min read

Because of YOU, We Did THIS!

FutureMakers Coalition is not an organization, but a network built around relationships. We work on systems by changing relationships, and these relationships with our partners are the key to meeting our shared goal of 55%. Our Partnership Health Survey helps us better understand how this work is impacting our region. Help us by taking this brief survey. We will compile results for our Partnership Health Report which will be shared on our website.

Take Survey

Collaboration with SRMA

FutureMakers Coalition is excited to announce our partnership with Southwest Regional Manufacturers Association (SRMA) who will provide leadership for the manufacturing sector strategy of the Southwest Florida Equitable Jobs Pipeline. SRMA will conduct in-person skills gap surveys with the manufacturers of Southwest Florida to help FutureMakers develop fast-track credentials with local educational partners to meet the needs of regional businesses and the workforce.

Read more about the collaboration

FutureMakers In the News

United effort targets shortage of health care workers

Thank you, Christina Volpicelli, manager of Strategic Learning & Organizational Development, NCH Healthcare System, and a member of the FutureMakers Coalition’s Healthcare System Strategic Alignment Team who wrote this piece on the shortages of healthcare workers in our region and the impactful work happening in this team.

WINK TV: Champion program at Clewiston High School

helping students graduate

“The program is proof of what can happen when educators, the community and parents come together to help, said Sanchez, as secondary education director.” Watch what Clewiston High School is doing to help their students graduate.

Upcoming Meetings

Action Team Meetings:

  • Access & Entry Team – April 20, 1:00 – 2:30 pm Register
  • Resilience and Diversification Team – April 5, 2:30 – 4:00 pm Register
  • Persistence & Completion Team – May 15, 3:30 – 5:00 pm Register
  • Data & Reporting Team – May 9, 3:00 – 4:30 pm Register
  • Aspiration & Preparation Team – April 18, 12:00 – 1:30 pm Register

Graduate! SWFL Ambassador Training:

  • Navigator Ambassador Training – April 4, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Register

SWFL Equitable Jobs Pipeline

Florida Gulf Coast University, together with FutureMakers Coalition at Collaboratory and other partners, developed the Southwest Florida Equitable Jobs Pipeline to upskill the regional workforce and stimulate economic development, which will continue to build and expand a strong economic future for Florida. Stay up-to-date on this initiative by visiting our website.

Support FutureMakers Coalition

Invest in SWFL’s Talent Pipeline

Let’s invest our resources and work together to reach our goal and make SWFL an even better place to live, learn, work and play.

Be part of the solution of building a workforce of tomorrow.

Contribute Today!

What We Are Reading

The Pandemic and Economy Take a Toll on Enrollments

The pandemic has impacted college enrollments since it first emerged in 2020, with educators wondering what the future will hold.

Click to read more

Starting Slow to Go Fast Later: Creating Sustainable Microcredentials

Microcredentials have been making headlines and are only gaining more attention. Although they’re the latest hot topic in higher ed, they’ve been around for years and aren’t going away anytime soon.

Click to read more