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Newsletter: July 2022

By July 14, 2022No Comments3 min read

Your Career is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

In the March 2022 newsletter, we reported how the level of educational attainment influences median family income. Specifically, a householder whose highest educational attainment is a high school diploma earned a median family income of $61.9K in 2019, compared to $83.1K (or 34% more) for a householder with a 2-year Associate degree and $121.2K (or 96% more) for a householder with a Bachelor’s degree. Yet despite this positive correlation, postsecondary fall enrollment decreased about 4.7% between 2019 and 2020.

Read more about the reasons for the decrease in postsecondary enrollment and adopting the marathoner’s mindset.

Ambassador Training

Attend this training session to learn how to become a Navigator Ambassador through Graduate! Southwest Florida, a free program of FutureMakers Coalition.

Our Navigators are a neutral third party working in collaboration with all schools to support adults through completing GED, English as a Second Language, skills/trade certificates, micro-credentials, or degree programs to help fill employment gaps in our region. Navigators work alongside adult learners as they overcome barriers and navigate the education system to grow their career. As a Navigator Ambassador, you help connect individuals to our large network of support.

Register for our first informational training session about becoming an Ambassador.

Upcoming Events

Action Team Meetings:

  • Aspiration & Preparation Team 
    July 20, 12:00 – 1:30 pm Register
  • Access & Entry Team
    July 21, 1:00 – 2:30 pm Register
  • LaBelle – Hendry County Action Team Partner Engagement Orientation
    July 25, 9:30 – 11:00 am Register
  • Resilience & Diversification Team
    July 25, 1:30 – 3:00 pm Register
  • Clewiston – Hendry County Action Team Partner Engagement Orientation
    July 26, 9:30 – 11:00 am Register
  • Data & Reporting Team
    August 9, 3:00 – 4:30 pm Register
  • Persistence & Completion Team
    August 15, 2:00 – 3:30 pm Register

Save The Date

Talent Talk

FutureMakers Coalition is on to Season 3 of Talent Talk with host, Tessa LeSage. This new season focuses on workforce development, initiatives of rural communities, and the unique perspectives of returning students. Join us as we explore these different dynamics and hear from those that are paving a way within these systems.
In this episode of Talent Talk, we hear from Joe Bonora who is the founder and president of Catalyst Asset Management and Catalyst Community Capital, Inc. Bonora explains how he acquired knowledge thought his entrepreneurial upbringing as a self-learner, despite not receiving a formal education beyond high school.

Click here to listen, or find us on other streaming platforms!

Early Learning Coalition's Business Breakfast

What We Are Reading

Unlocking Stranded Credits

Illinois public colleges and universities, prodded by new state law, become latest to end the use of withholding transcripts from students with institutional debts.

Click to read more

Without Housing, Communities Struggle to Attract Summer Workers

Sam Walsh discovered seasonal work via an ad on TikTok, as a new high school graduate eager to experience life beyond his hometown of San Antonio. He landed his first job as a cashier at a gift shop at Zion National Park last spring, and soon got hooked on the lifestyle.

Click to read more