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High school students earn college degrees

By June 23, 2015No Comments1 min read

lillian-mulliganLocal students can get a head start on college while they are still in high school thanks to a cooperative program sponsored by Bay District Schools and Gulf Coast State College.

Through a process called dual enrollment, six students obtained an Associate of Arts degree from Gulf Coast this past school year. These students took classes at GCSC while enrolled at their high school. The program, according to GCSC, will “allow students to begin working on their college degree earlier in their academic careers and thus complete their degree in a shorter period of time.”

Bay High School graduate Lillian Mulligan, 18, was one of these students. Mulligan is going on to study engineering at Florida Southern College on a full scholarship.

“I feel good about it,” she said of getting a degree before she ever steps foot on a college campus. “It was a lot of work.”

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