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UNMAZE.ME: What that College Admissions Means

By April 4, 2017No Comments1 min read

I am not sure why universities picked April 1st as the day to release their final decisions on college admissions, a possible ode to April Fool’s Day, but for whatever reason across the nation high school seniors heard if they received admissions to their top schools.

As I was talking to my niece about her final admissions and final decisions, I wanted to tell her a few key things to put these admission decisions into perspective.

1.       Your path is highly personal.

While there may be pressure from parents, friends, teachers, and even media, where you go to higher education depends on where you can become who you wish to be. Some students need a small intimate environment to be successful, some want the full-on collegiate experience, and others will make their decisions on financial aspects. In the end, the student’s journey is their alone. No one else can do the work for them, so being in a place that meets the student’s needs and no one else’s is highly important.

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