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FutureMakers Coalition is a collective impact initiative working to help Southwest Floridians earn the high-quality credentials needed to enter the workforce. Our goal is to make sure 55% of adults between the ages of 25-64 in our region have education beyond high school by 2025.

Our target population includes traditional-age students who are facing significant barriers to education beyond high school, adults with no education beyond high school, and adults who started a degree or certificate program but never finished.

Hear from some of SWFL’s FutureMakers Champions to understand how working together can help us reach our bold goal of 55%!

Impact Dashboard




Skilled Workforce



This is the percentage of workers in our region that have the credentials necessary to fill in-demand jobs. To fill in-demand jobs, working-age adults must have college degrees, workforce certificates, industry certifications and other high-quality credentials. To increase this percentage, we have to look at everything from early childhood learning to post-high school education and everything in-between. We also have to remove education barriers and create a culture of career exploration and aspiration from an early age.

We need to decrease this number by ...%

When we started our work, this percentage was ...%



% Pre-K Ready for Kindergarten


Percent of Pre-K Considered Ready for Kindergarten: Percent Pre-K students considered ready for kindergarten

Third Grade Reading Proficiency % Scoring 3 or Above


3rd Grade Reading Proficiency: Percent third grade students with satisfactory reading scores

High School Graduation Rate


High school graduation rate



FAFSA % Completion Rate


Technical College Enrollment


Postsecondary fall enrollment



Post Secondary Completion %


Percent completing within 150 percent of normal time at two- and four-year institutes

Technical College Completion Rates


Technical college fall enrollment



Startup Businesses Created


Number of start-up businesses up to two-years old

SWFL Employment Share by Industry


Total Emplyment in Southwest Florida.



Unemployment Rate


The percentage of the labor force that is actively seeking work but is currently without a job

Average Annual Rate


Average annual wages refer to the total amount of income earned by workers over a year

Average Annual Wages


Average annual wages refer to the total amount of income earned by workers over a year